Nearly everyone wants to learn how to make more money. We all know that money doesn’t buy happiness but it can make things go a bit smoother in life. Most of us have dreamed about what it would be like to have the free time to work at what we love, the resources to go where we want to go and buy what we want to buy, or even just the liberating feeling of being completely debt free! And that’s why I started this site. To help you (and me!) make it to that spot.
So here’s the deal. Each month, we will explore a new money making endeavor through this website. I will pull from the knowledge base of experts in many different fields in order to create multiple streams of income. From real estate, to stock options trading, to starting a business, to investing in precious metals, to various forms of making money online – we will be going through many different forms of making money.
And in case you’re wondering who the heck I am… my name is Matt Hall, founder of Scepter Marketing LLC. I got my start in internet marketing almost two years ago. At the time, I knew that there was opportunities abounding all around me, but I couldn’t seem to really get anything going. I dabbled in real estate, network marketing, and small business but without any great success.
Eventually, I started studying internet marketing and saw teenagers start making tens of thousands of dollars per month online. And something inside me broke. I thought to myself, “If I see one more 19 year old kid make $300,000 in a year…! It can’t possibly be that difficult to make money online. If they did it, I can do it. And I’m gonna do it.”
And that’s how I got my start. I jumped into learning everything I could about internet marketing, created websites, set up blogs, and eventually started my company which does small business internet marketing. My company is profitable and growing and has made me “job optional” as they say. But, like most entrepreneurs, I’m ambitiously trying new ventures and figured that there are others out there just like me who want to learn how to have multiple streams of income.
So now that we’ve made introductions, I have one disclaimer before we get started! If you are the kind of person who is too lazy to get off your duffs and chase your dreams, this site is not for you. Enjoy your life of mediocrity. For the rest of you, let’s get ‘er done. Sign up for the newsletter and start giving me feedback about what you want to learn!